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Attach qos map to interface

Binds a configured QoS map to an interface.

Syntaxqos-map {dot1p-tc|dscp-tc|pfc-priority-queue|tc-dot1p|tc-dscp|tc-pg|tc-queue} [<qos-map-name>]
Command modeEthernet Interface Configuration
  • qos-map-name – Enter the name of the QoS map.

Usage Use no qos-map {dot1p-tc|dscp-tc|pfc-priority-queue|tc-dot1p|tc-dscp|tc-pg|tc-queue} to unbind a qos map from the interface.
Supported Releases1.0.0 or later
Click command None
sonic(conf-if-Ethernet0)# qos-map dot1p-tc MAP1
sonic(conf-if-Ethernet0)# no qos-map dot1p-tc