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Show qos maps attached to interface

Displays the QoS maps bound to interface.

Syntaxshow qos interface {Ethernet <Ethernet-id>|all}
Command modeEXEC
  • Ethernet-id – Enter the ID of the Ethernet interface.

Usage Specify keyword all to display QoS maps configured on all interfaces.
Supported Releases1.0.0 or later
Click command None
sonic# show qos interface Ethernet 16
Interface : Ethernet16
  pfc-priority-queue-map : pfc-priority-queue02
  tc-priority-group-map  : tc-pg01
  tc-queue-map           : tc-queue01
  pfc-asymmetric :
  pfc-priority   :
  PFC Watchdog
    Action            :
    Detection Time    :
    Restoration Time  :

sonic# show qos interface Ethernet all
            |          |                                                                |               Priority-Flow-Control
            | Scheduler|                          Interface Maps                        |asym               --------- WATCHDOG ------------
Interface   |    Policy| dot1p-tc  dscp-tc  pfc-p2q tc-dot1p  tc-dscp    tc-pg tc-queue |mode      priority     action    detect    restore
------------+----------+--------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------+---- ------------- ---------- --------- ----------
Ethernet0   |          | dot1p-tc dscp-tc0 pfc-prio tc-dot1p tc-dscp0  tc-pg01 tc-queue |
Ethernet12  |          | dot1p-tc                            tc-dscp0                   |
Ethernet16  |          |                   pfc-prio                    tc-pg01 tc-queue |
Ethernet4   |          | dot1p-tc dscp-tc0 pfc-prio tc-dot1p tc-dscp0  tc-pg01 tc-queue |
Ethernet8   |          | dot1p-tc dscp-tc0 pfc-prio tc-dot1p tc-dscp0  tc-pg02 tc-queue |