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Show qos maps

Displays the QoS maps configured by the user.

Syntaxshow qos maps {dot1p-tc|dscp-tc|pfc-priority-queue|tc-dot1p|tc-dscp|tc-pg|tc-queue} [qos-map-name]
Command modeEXEC
  • qos-map-name – Enter the name of the QoS map to be displayed.

Usage If qos map name is not specified, all QoS maps of the specified type will be displayed.
Supported Releases1.0.0 or later
Click command None
sonic# show qos map
  dot1p-tc            Display Dot1p to Traffic Class QoS Maps
  dscp-tc             Display DSCP to Traffic Class QoS Maps
  pfc-priority-queue  Display PFC priority to Queue QoS Maps
  tc-dot1p            Display Traffic Class to Dot1p QoS Maps
  tc-dscp             Display Traffic Class to DSCP QoS Maps
  tc-pg               Display Traffic Class to Priority Group QoS Maps
  tc-queue            Display Traffic Class to Queue QoS Maps

sonic# show qos map dot1p-tc
DOT1P-TC-MAP: dot1p-tc01
  DOT1P   |    TC
    0     |    7
    1     |    6
    2     |    5
    3     |    4
    4     |    3
    5     |    2
    6     |    1
    7     |    0
DOT1P-TC-MAP: dot1p-tc02
  DOT1P   |    TC
    0     |    0
    1     |    1
    2     |    2
    3     |    3
    4     |    4
    5     |    5
    6     |    6
    7     |    7