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config interface breakout

Configures breakout modes of an interface.

Syntaxinterface breakout Ethernet <if-id> <breakout_mode>
Command mode CONFIG
  • if-id – Interface identification number.

  • breakout_mode – Breakout mode to be configured.

Usage Use no interface breakout <if-id> to return interface to default breakout mode.
Supported Releases 1.1.0 or later
Click command config interface breakout Ethernet<if-id> <breakout_mode>
sonic(config)# interface breakout Ethernet 16 
  <1x400G/2x100G/2x40G/4x100G/1x100G(4)/1x40G(4)/4x25G(4)/4x10G(4)>  Breakout mode
sonic(config)# interface breakout Ethernet 16 4x100G
Do you want to Breakout the port, continue? [y/N]: y
Above Config cannot be verified, It may cause harm to system, continue? [y/N]: y

sonic(config)# interface breakout Ethernet 8
1x100G(4) 1x400G    1x40G(4)  2x100G    2x40G     4x100G    4x10G(4)  4x25G(4)
sonic(config)# interface breakout Ethernet 8 4x100G
Do you want to Breakout the port, continue? [y/N]: y
Above Config cannot be verified, It may cause harm to system, continue? [y/N]: y
%Error: Dependencies Exist. No further action will be taken:
["/sonic-interface:sonic-interface/INTERFACE/INTERFACE_LIST[name='Ethernet8']/name", "/sonic-interface:sonic-interface/INTERFACE/INTERFACE_IPPREFIX_LIST[name='Ethernet8'][ip-prefix='']/name"]