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Controls distribution of default information.

Syntaxdefault-information originate [{always|metric <metric>|metric-type <type>|route-map <rmap>}]
Command modeRouter OSPF
  • metric – OSPF metric. Range: 0 – 16777214.

  • type – Set OSPF External Type 1/2 metrics (1-2).

  • rmap – Pointer to route-map entries.

Usage Use no default-information originate [{always|metric <metric>|metric-type <type>|route-map <rmap>}] to remove the configuration.
Supported Releases1.1.0 or later
Click command None
sonic(config-router)# default-information originate
sonic(config-router)# default-information originate always metric 1 metric-type 2 route-map rmap1
sonic(config-router)# no default-information originate always metric 1 metric-type 2 route-map rmap1
sonic(config-router)# no default-information originate