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show bgp large-community-list

Displays the BGP large-community-list information, if the large-community-list NAME is given information pertaining to the given one is displayed.

Syntaxshow bgp [<afi>] [<safi>] large-community-list [ <NAME> ] | [ detail | exact-match ]
Command mode EXEC
  • afi – Address Family Indicator it could take either a value of ipv4 or ipv6.

  • safi – Subsequent Address Family Indicator, it could be either unicast/multicast/labeled-unicast/vpn.

  • NAME – Community-list NAME.

  • Keyword – [ exact-match | detail ]

Usage None
Supported Releases 1.0.0 or later
Click command None
sonic# show bgp large-community-list
Named large community standard list largecommunity1
    permit 65111:100:2001