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Show bgp l2vpn evpn statistics

Displays BGP RIB advertisement statistics.

Syntaxshow bgp l2vpn evpn [statistics [json]]
Command modeEXEC
  • json – To get output in JavaScript Object Notation.

UsageUse json option to get output in json format.
Supported Releases 1.1.0 or later
Click commandNone
sonic# show bgp l2vpn evpn statistics
BGP L2VPN EVPN RIB statistics (VRF default)
Total Advertisements          :            5
Total Prefixes                :            5
Average prefix length         :       320.00
Unaggregateable prefixes      :            5
Maximum aggregateable prefixes:            0
BGP Aggregate advertisements  :            0
Address space advertised      :            5
                  % announced :         0.00
                /8 equivalent :         0.00
               /24 equivalent :         0.02

Advertisements with paths     :            5
Longest AS-Path (hops)        :            0
Average AS-Path length (hops) :         0.00
Largest AS-Path (bytes)       :            0
Average AS-Path size (bytes)  :         0.00
Highest public ASN            :            0
