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DHCPv6 Relay Configuration

Configures DHCPv6 Relay address in VLAN.

Syntaxipv6 helper-address <relay_address> [<relay_address>] [<relay_address>] [<relay_address>]
Command mode Interface mode (VLAN)
  • relay_address – DHCPv6 Relay address (Maximum: 4).


Use no ipv6 helper-address <relay_address> to remove the DHCPv6 Relay information.

Supported Releases 1.0.0 or later
Click command config vlan dhcp_relay add [OPTIONS] <vid> DHCP_RELAY_DESTINATION_IPS...
sonic(conf-if-Vlan100)# ipv6 helper-address 1::1
sonic(conf-if-Vlan100)# no ipv6 helper-address 1::1