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sonic# show services
bgp                 docker
User                Pid  %Cpu %Memory   VSZ       RSS       TTY       Stat      Start     Time      Command
root                1    0.0  0.2       30396     24184     pts/0     Ss+       04:52     0:02      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/supervisord
root                28   0.0  0.2       25620     19100     pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      python3 /usr/bin/supervisor-proc-exit-listener --container-name bgp
root                31   0.0  0.0       223808    5580      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
frr                 35   0.0  0.7       675496    61524     pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:02      /usr/lib/frr/zebra -A -s 90000000 -M fpm -M snmp
frr                 55   0.0  0.1       43896     12740     pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      /usr/lib/frr/staticd -A
frr                 56   0.0  0.5       295544    44768     pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:07      /usr/lib/frr/bgpd -A -M snmp
root                58   0.0  0.3       37584     26156     pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/bgpcfgd
root                59   0.0  0.1       19968     15492     pts/0     S         04:52     0:01      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/bgpmon
root                60   0.0  0.0       82184     4488      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      fpmsyncd
database            docker
User                Pid  %Cpu %Memory   VSZ       RSS       TTY       Stat      Start     Time      Command
root                1    0.0  0.2       29996     23616     pts/0     Ss+       04:52     0:01      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/supervisord
root                35   0.0  0.2       25612     19028     pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      python3 /usr/bin/supervisor-proc-exit-listener --container-name database
root                36   0.0  0.0       223808    3576      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
root                37   0.3  0.6       100592    52024     pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:29      /usr/bin/redis-server
gbsyncd             docker
User                Pid  %Cpu %Memory   VSZ       RSS       TTY       Stat      Start     Time      Command
root                1    0.0  0.2       30256     24064     pts/0     Ss+       04:52     0:01      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/supervisord
root                10   0.0  0.2       25612     19064     pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      python3 /usr/bin/supervisor-proc-exit-listener --container-name gbsyncd
root                13   0.0  0.0       223808    3576      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
lldp                docker
User                Pid  %Cpu %Memory   VSZ       RSS       TTY       Stat      Start     Time      Command
root                1    0.0  0.2       30388     24108     pts/0     Ss+       04:52     0:02      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/supervisord
root                12   0.0  0.2       25616     19012     pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      python3 /usr/bin/supervisor-proc-exit-listener --container-name lldp
root                15   0.0  0.0       223808    3412      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
_lldpd              23   0.0  0.0       28364     7716      pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      lldpd: monitor.
_lldpd              25   0.0  0.0       28492     3756      pts/0     S         04:52     0:01      lldpd: no neighbor.
root                29   0.0  0.2       105000    21504     pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:01      python3 -m lldp_syncd
root                33   0.0  0.1       24452     15752     pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      python3 /usr/bin/lldpmgrd
mgmt-framework      docker
User                Pid  %Cpu %Memory   VSZ       RSS       TTY       Stat      Start     Time      Command
root                1    0.0  0.2       29116     22792     pts/0     Ss+       06:30     0:00      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/supervisord
root                13   0.0  0.0       223808    3420      pts/0     Sl        06:30     0:00      /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
root                17   0.2  2.7       1397164   225716    pts/0     Sl        06:30     0:04      /usr/sbin/rest_server -ui /rest_ui -logtostderr -cert /tmp/cert.pem -key /tmp/key.pem
1000                58   0.0  0.0       3736      2708      pts/1     Ss+       06:32     0:00      /bin/bash /usr/sbin/cli/clish_start -t 3605
1000                64   0.0  0.4       157124    40328     pts/1     S+        06:32     0:00      /usr/sbin/cli/clish -o -t 3605
1000                76   0.0  0.0       3736      2788      pts/2     Ss+       07:02     0:00      /bin/bash /usr/sbin/cli/clish_start -t 3605
1000                82   1.3  0.3       144248    26032     pts/2     S+        07:02     0:00      /usr/sbin/cli/clish -o -t 3605
pmon                docker
User                Pid  %Cpu %Memory   VSZ       RSS       TTY       Stat      Start     Time      Command
root                1    0.0  0.3       30308     24252     pts/0     Ss+       04:52     0:01      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/supervisord
root                21   0.0  0.2       25636     19156     pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      python3 /usr/bin/supervisor-proc-exit-listener --container-name pmon
root                24   0.0  0.0       223808    3608      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
radv                docker
User                Pid  %Cpu %Memory   VSZ       RSS       TTY       Stat      Start     Time      Command
root                1    0.0  0.2       30256     24020     pts/0     Ss+       04:52     0:01      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/supervisord
root                13   0.0  0.2       25612     19048     pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      python3 /usr/bin/supervisor-proc-exit-listener --container-name radv
root                17   0.0  0.0       223808    3596      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
snmp                docker
User                Pid  %Cpu %Memory   VSZ       RSS       TTY       Stat      Start     Time      Command
root                1    0.0  0.3       33644     24304     pts/0     Ss+       04:55     0:02      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/supervisord
root                10   0.0  0.2       29060     19352     pts/0     S         04:55     0:00      python3 /usr/bin/supervisor-proc-exit-listener --container-name snmp
root                18   0.0  0.0       223808    3340      pts/0     Sl        04:55     0:00      /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
Debian-+            22   0.0  0.1       30868     12360     pts/0     S         04:55     0:03      /usr/sbin/snmpd -f -LS0-2d -u Debian-snmp -g Debian-snmp -I -smux mteTrigger mteTriggerConf ifTable ifXTable inetCidrRouteTable ipCidrRouteTable ip disk_hw -p /run/snmpd.pid
root                23   0.0  0.3       120552    32192     pts/0     Sl        04:55     0:02      python3 -m sonic_ax_impl
swss                docker
User                Pid  %Cpu %Memory   VSZ       RSS       TTY       Stat      Start     Time      Command
root                1    0.0  0.2       30724     24212     pts/0     Ss+       04:52     0:04      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/supervisord
root                109  0.0  0.1       88412     8116      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/tunnelmgrd
root                2547 0.0  0.0       2524      740       pts/0     S         06:57     0:00      sleep 300
root                28   0.0  0.2       25620     19044     pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      python3 /usr/bin/supervisor-proc-exit-listener --container-name swss
root                31   0.0  0.0       223808    5900      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
root                36   0.0  0.0       81256     5300      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/portsyncd
root                43   0.3  0.2       402896    20292     pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:25      /usr/bin/orchagent -d /var/log/swss -b 8192 -s -m 52:54:00:12:34:56
root                472  0.0  0.0       5668      1628      pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      /usr/sbin/ndppd
root                59   0.0  0.1       88504     8268      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/coppmgrd
root                81   0.0  0.0       3964      3016      pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      /bin/bash /usr/bin/arp_update
root                83   0.0  0.0       81124     4436      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:02      /usr/bin/neighsyncd
root                85   0.0  0.1       88304     8236      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/fdbmgrd
root                87   0.0  0.1       88444     8384      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/vlanmgrd
root                88   0.0  0.1       88588     8700      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/intfmgrd
root                89   0.0  0.1       88408     10424     pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/portmgrd
root                90   0.0  0.1       88500     8348      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/buffermgrd -l /usr/share/sonic/hwsku/pg_profile_lookup.ini
root                92   0.0  0.1       88440     8440      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/vrfmgrd
root                93   0.0  0.1       88336     8180      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/nbrmgrd
root                94   0.0  0.1       88464     8316      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/vxlanmgrd
root                96   0.0  0.0       81168     4800      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:01      /usr/bin/fdbsyncd
syncd               docker
User                Pid  %Cpu %Memory   VSZ       RSS       TTY       Stat      Start     Time      Command
root                1    0.0  0.2       30256     23984     pts/0     Ss+       04:52     0:02      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/supervisord
root                10   0.0  0.2       25612     19040     pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      python3 /usr/bin/supervisor-proc-exit-listener --container-name syncd
root                13   0.0  0.1       223808    9820      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
root                20   0.0  0.2       732848    20916     pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:04      /usr/bin/syncd -u -s -p /usr/share/sonic/hwsku/sai.profile
teamd               docker
User                Pid  %Cpu %Memory   VSZ       RSS       TTY       Stat      Start     Time      Command
root                1    0.0  0.2       30260     23948     pts/0     Ss+       04:52     0:01      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/supervisord
root                10   0.0  0.2       25612     19052     pts/0     S         04:52     0:00      python3 /usr/bin/supervisor-proc-exit-listener --container-name teamd
root                16   0.0  0.0       223808    3604      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
root                20   0.0  0.1       88440     8256      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/teammgrd
root                21   0.0  0.0       88208     7144      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:04      /usr/bin/tlm_teamd
root                27   0.0  0.0       16076     3116      ?         S         04:52     0:03      /usr/bin/teamd -r -t PortChannel1 -c {"device":"PortChannel1","hwaddr":"52:54:00:12:34:56","runner":{"active":true,"name":"lacp","min_ports":1}} -L /var/warmboot/teamd/ -g -d
root                33   0.0  0.0       81500     5128      pts/0     Sl        04:52     0:00      /usr/bin/teamsyncd
root                36   0.0  0.0       16072     3308      ?         S         04:52     0:02      /usr/bin/teamd -r -t PortChannel2 -c {"device":"PortChannel2","hwaddr":"52:54:00:12:34:56","runner":{"active":true,"name":"lacp","min_ports":1}} -L /var/warmboot/teamd/ -g -d
root                45   0.0  0.0       15964     2648      ?         S         04:52     0:01      /usr/bin/teamd -r -t PortChannel3 -c {"device":"PortChannel3","hwaddr":"52:54:00:12:34:56","runner":{"active":true,"name":"lacp","min_ports":1}} -L /var/warmboot/teamd/ -g -d
telemetry           docker
User                Pid  %Cpu %Memory   VSZ       RSS       TTY       Stat      Start     Time      Command
root                1    0.0  0.2       30256     24136     pts/0     Ss+       04:55     0:02      /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/supervisord
root                12   0.0  0.0       223808    5476      pts/0     Sl        04:55     0:00      /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
root                18   0.2  0.8       1177232   71180     pts/0     Sl        04:55     0:20      /usr/sbin/telemetry -logtostderr --noTLS --port 8080 --allow_no_client_auth -v=2
root                41   0.2  0.9       1174316   75768     pts/0     Sl        04:55     0:20      /usr/sbin/dialout_client_cli -insecure -logtostderr -v 2
root                9    0.0  0.2       25612     19068     pts/0     S         04:55     0:00      python3 /usr/bin/supervisor-proc-exit-listener --container-name telemetry