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Show Commands

Displays the storm-control setting on the interface.

Syntaxshow storm-control [interface <interface_name>]
Command mode EXEC
  • interface_name – Enter the interface name on which storm-control settings are to be shown.

UsageIf interface keyword is not given, all the interfaces' storm-control settings will be displayed.
Supported Releases 1.0.0 or later
Click commandshow storm-control [interface <interface_name>]
sonic# show storm-control
Interface Name      Storm-type          Rate (kbps)
Ethernet0           broadcast           10000
Ethernet0           unknown-unicast     11000
Ethernet0           unknown-multicast   12000
Ethernet60          broadcast           60000

sonic# show storm-control interface Ethernet 0
Interface Name      Storm-type          Rate (kbps)
Ethernet0           broadcast           10000
Ethernet0           unknown-unicast     11000
Ethernet0           unknown-multicast   12000