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Config Commands

Configures the storm-control rate for BUM traffic.

Syntaxstorm-control type <broadcast|unknown-unicast|unknown-multicast> rate <0-100000000>
Command mode Ethernet interface
  • broadcast|unknown-unicast|unknown-multicast – Type of traffic on which storm-control to be applied.

  • 0-100000000 – Rate of traffic in kbps (kilobits per second) to be admitted into the system. Traffic that exceeds the configured rate will be dropped.

UsageUse no storm-control type <broadcast|unknown-unicast|unknown-multicast> to disable.
Supported Releases 1.0.0 or later
Click commandconfig interface storm-control add <Ethernet-Interface-name> <broadcast|unknown-unicast|unknown-multicast> <0-100000000>
sonic(conf-if-Ethernet0)# storm-control type broadcast rate 3000
sonic(conf-if-Ethernet0)# no storm-control type broadcast