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Mirror Show commands

Displays both SPAN and ERSPAN mirror sessions' configurations and their status.

Syntaxshow mirror-session [session-name]
Command mode EXEC
  • session-name – Name of the mirror session (Maximum size: 32).

UsageIf session-name is not given, all the configured mirror-sessions will be displayed.
Supported Releases 1.0.0 or later
Click commandshow mirror_session [SESSION_NAME]
sonic# show mirror-session
ERSPAN Sessions
Name             Status     SRC-IP           DST-IP           GRE    DSCP   TTL    Queue    Policer    Monitor Port     Direction  SRC-Port
m1               active          0x4d2  0      63                         Ethernet1
SPAN Sessions
Name             Status     DST-Port         Direction  Queue    Policer    SRC-Port
m2               active     Ethernet2        BOTH                           ['Ethernet3']
m3               active     Ethernet5        RX                             ['PortChannel100']
sonic# show mirror-session m2
SPAN Sessions
Name             Status     DST-Port         Direction  Queue    Policer    SRC-Port
m2               active     Ethernet2        BOTH                           ['Ethernet3']
sonic# show mirror-session m1
ERSPAN Sessions
Name             Status     SRC-IP           DST-IP           GRE    DSCP   TTL    Queue    Policer    Monitor Port     Direction  SRC-Port
m1               active          0x4d2  0      63                         Ethernet1