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Vxlan interface create and delete

Creates a new vxlan interface (if not present), which acts as a virtual tunnel end point (VTEP). Enters into config-if-vxlan-<vtepname> mode. Only one VTEP can exist in a switch.

Syntaxinterface vxlan <vtep-name>
Command modeCONFIG
  • vtep-name – Name of the vxlan interface/VTEP (Maximum 10 characters, prefixed by 'vtep').

Usage Use no vxlan interface <vtep-name> to remove the VTEP.
Supported Releases1.1.0 or later
Click command config vxlan add/del <vtep-name> <src-ip>
sonic(config)# interface vxlan vtep1

sonic(config)# no interface vxlan vtep1