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show qos wred-profile

Displays the details of WRED profile configuration.

Syntaxshow qos wred-profile [wred-profile-name]
Command modeEXEC
  • wred-profile-name – (Optional) Alphanumeric string including - and _ (Maximum: 32 characters).

Usage If wred-profile-name is not given, all the WRED profile settings will be displayed.
Supported Releases1.0.0 or later
Click command None
sonic# show qos wred-profile
                  |               Green           |               Yellow          |               Red             |            |
Profile Name      |-------------------------------|-------------------------------|-------------------------------|            |
                  |       MIN        MAX DROP-RATE|       MIN        MAX DROP-RATE|       MIN        MAX DROP-RATE|         ECN|
                  |     Bytes      Bytes         %|     Bytes      Bytes         %|     Bytes      Bytes         %|            |
12                |                               |       256       2560        50|                               |        none|
test1             |       100        300       100|       256       2560        50|                               |       green|

sonic# show qos wred-profile test1
                  |               Green           |               Yellow          |               Red             |            |
Profile Name      |-------------------------------|-------------------------------|-------------------------------|            |
                  |       MIN        MAX DROP-RATE|       MIN        MAX DROP-RATE|       MIN        MAX DROP-RATE|         ECN|
                  |     Bytes      Bytes         %|     Bytes      Bytes         %|     Bytes      Bytes         %|            |
test1             |       100        300       100|       256       2560        50|                               |       green|