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show vrf

Displays the list of configured VRFs and the bound L3 Interfaces in that VRF.

Syntaxshow vrf [<vrfname>]
Command modeEXEC
  • vrfname – Name of the VRF that needs to be fetched. Accepts a string of maximum 32 characters.

  • <vrfname> is optional.

  • If <vrfname> is not given, all the VRFs are retrieved.

Supported Releases1.1.0 or later
Click command show vrf [<vrfname>]
sonic# show vrf
VRF      Interfaces
-------  ------------
Vrf-1    Ethernet0
Vrf-101  Vlan101
Vrf-2    Ethernet1

sonic# show vrf Vrf-1
VRF    Interfaces
-----  ------------
Vrf-1  Ethernet0