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show ipv6 interfaces

Displays the IPv6 address configured on an L3 Interface and its bound VRF (if any configured). It also displays the auto-configured Link-local IPv6, by the Kernel.

Syntaxshow ipv6 interfaces [<intrfacename>]
Command modeEXEC
  • interfacename – Name of the L3 Interface, such as Ethernet0, PortChannel1, Vlan100, Loopback10 or Management0.

Usage To find the IPv6 addresses configured on an L3 Interface, also the VRF to which it is bound to (if any).
Supported Releases1.1.0 or later
Click command show ipv6 interfaces
sonic# show ipv6 interfaces
Interface       Master    Address                       Admin/Oper
--------------  --------  ----------------------------  ------------
Ethernet0       Vrf-1     fe80::36ad:61ff:fef1:a287/64  UP/UP
Ethernet1       Vrf-2     fe80::36ad:61ff:fef1:a287/64  UP/UP
Ethernet2                 fe80::36ad:61ff:fef1:a287/64  UP/UP
Ethernet3                 fe80::36ad:61ff:fef1:a287/64  UP/UP
Ethernet4                 fe80::36ad:61ff:fef1:a287/64  UP/UP
Ethernet5                 2010::1/64                    UP/UP
Ethernet6                 fe80::36ad:61ff:fef1:a287/64  UP/UP
Ethernet7                 fe80::36ad:61ff:fef1:a287/64  UP/UP
Ethernet47                fe80::36ad:61ff:fef1:a287/64  UP/DOWN
Loopback0                 fe80::70ba:7dff:fe90:792b/64  UP/UP
Loopback1                 fe80::14cb:54ff:fe95:32c7/64  UP/UP
PortChannel256            2011::1/64                    UP/DOWN
Vlan101         Vrf-101   2023::1:1/64                  UP/UP
Management0     mgmt      fe80::36ad:61ff:fef1:a287/64  UP/UP

sonic# show ipv6 interfaces Management0
Interface    Master    Address                       Admin/Oper
-----------  --------  ----------------------------  ------------
Management0  mgmt      fe80::36ad:61ff:fef1:a287/64  UP/UP
sonic# show ipv6 interfaces PortChannel256
Interface       Master    Address     Admin/Oper
--------------  --------  ----------  ------------
PortChannel256            2011::1/64  UP/DOWN
sonic# show ipv6 interfaces Ethernet5
Interface    Master    Address                       Admin/Oper
-----------  --------  ----------------------------  ------------
Ethernet5              2010::1/64                    UP/UP