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show ip ospf

Displays OSPF configs.

Syntaxshow ip ospf [<instance-id>|vrf <vrfname>|all]
Command modeEXEC
  • instance-id – OSPF Instance ID. Range: 1 – 65535.

  • vrfname – VRF Name. Maximum: 15 characters, prefixed with Vrf.

Supported Releases 1.1.0 or later
Click commandNone
sonic# show ip ospf
 OSPF Routing Process, Router ID:
 Supports only single TOS (TOS0) routes
 This implementation conforms to RFC2328
 RFC1583Compatibility flag is disabled
 OpaqueCapability flag is disabled
 Initial SPF scheduling delay 0 millisec(s)
 Minimum hold time between consecutive SPFs 50 millisec(s)
 Maximum hold time between consecutive SPFs 5000 millisec(s)
 Hold time multiplier is currently 1
 SPF algorithm last executed 4.407s ago
 Last SPF duration 29 usecs
 SPF timer is inactive
 LSA minimum interval 5000 msecs
 LSA minimum arrival 1000 msecs
 Write Multiplier set to 20
 Refresh timer 10 secs
 Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000
 Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000
 Number of areas attached to this router: 1
 Area ID: (Backbone)
   Number of interfaces in this area: Total: 1, Active: 1
   Number of fully adjacent neighbors in this area: 1
   Area has no authentication
   SPF algorithm executed 3 times
   Number of LSA 3
   Number of router LSA 2. Checksum Sum 0x00005f03
   Number of network LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x00001e9e
   Number of summary LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000
   Number of ASBR summary LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000
   Number of NSSA LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000
   Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000
   Number of opaque area LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000

sonic# show ip ospf vrf Vrf-20
VRF Name: Vrf-20
 OSPF Routing Process, Router ID:
 Supports only single TOS (TOS0) routes
 This implementation conforms to RFC2328
 RFC1583Compatibility flag is disabled
 OpaqueCapability flag is disabled
 Initial SPF scheduling delay 0 millisec(s)
 Minimum hold time between consecutive SPFs 50 millisec(s)
 Maximum hold time between consecutive SPFs 5000 millisec(s)
 Hold time multiplier is currently 1
 SPF algorithm last executed 1m50s ago
 Last SPF duration 140 usecs
 SPF timer is inactive
 LSA minimum interval 5000 msecs
 LSA minimum arrival 1000 msecs
 Write Multiplier set to 20
 Refresh timer 10 secs
 Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000
 Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000
 Number of areas attached to this router: 1
 Area ID: (Backbone)
   Number of interfaces in this area: Total: 1, Active: 1
   Number of fully adjacent neighbors in this area: 1
   Area has no authentication
   SPF algorithm executed 5 times
   Number of LSA 4
   Number of router LSA 2. Checksum Sum 0x00008415
   Number of network LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x00004393
   Number of summary LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x0000757f
   Number of ASBR summary LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000
   Number of NSSA LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000
   Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000
   Number of opaque area LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000