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message digest authentication password (key)

Configures message digest authentication password.

Syntaxip ospf message-digest-key <key-id> md5 <KEY>
Command modeInterface (Ethernet, PortChannel, VLAN and Loopback)
  • key-id – Message digest key ID. Range: 1 – 255.

  • KEY – OSPF password key.

UsageUse no ip ospf message-digest-key <key-id> md5 <KEY> to remove the configuration.
Supported Releases 1.1.0 or later
Click commandNone
sonic(conf-if-Ethernet8)# ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 key2
sonic(conf-if-Ethernet8)# no ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 key2